Rudi Henley, hiking in the Lake District, 2018
I see sustainability as the actions we take today that are in the best interests of the future; environmental and social.
This blog began when the number of interesting links being forwarded between colleagues to news stories on “net zero this” and “ESG that” became unwieldy; so I decided to consolidate them all into a newsletter to share with all the people I thought would appreciate them. I couldn’t resist commenting on some of the stories and hence the blog was born.
I try to cover as broad topics as I can and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the perfect framework for this, so you’ll see me talk about them a lot. Hopefully, this will help you see that sustainability topics really are everywhere you look.
I am no expert. I don’t pretend to have all the answers. But I try to ask interesting questions and share ideas that make you think about the world around you a bit more carefully.
If everyone who reads my posts goes away having learnt one new thing then I am satisfied - never underestimate the power of incremental improvement.
I’ve worked in the Wealth Management industry since 2008, more recently focusing on Sustainability, Impact Investing and philanthropy.
I am a CISI certified Green and Sustainable Finance Professional™.
I’m a graduate of Imperial College London, holding a BSc in Biology with Management