Looking Ahead
Looking ahead to what the climate crisis can expect in 2022
Est. reading time 8mins
Humans aren’t very good at dealing with existential threats over a prolonged period of time
Clash of the Titans
China and the US are fiercely competitive. In trade. In technology. And in their interests abroad. This competition can be harnessed for the good of the world.
6min read
The Social Cost of Carbon
Is this the most important environmental number you’ve never heard of? (but will be hearing a lot more of!)
7min read
Can hydrogen help make the world more sustainable?
It does not take all that much scrutiny to realise that ‘electrifying everything’ is not feasible as a universal solution to the problem of climate change.
7min read
We did it Joe!
Despite Joe Biden’s projected triumph, the stark divides that run through the US and its government will make fulfilling his climate pledges difficult. We take look at what he can get done.
8min read
The Changing Face of Sustainability
Evermore celebrities are championing sustainability; though many are now seeing much more personal upside in becoming a “campaigner”.
4min read
A Just Transition
The climate crisis is inextricably linked to the inequality crisis. If we do not address them together we will fail at both
12min read
Build Back Bet…?
The Green Community were watching with bated breath on 30th June when Boris announced his ‘New Deal’ recovery package. They must have been underwhelmed.
5min read
What use is hot air?
Lockdown will not stop climate change. Not even COVID has disrupted the “old normal” is enough to get emissions down to Paris ambitions.
7min read
Emerging Diseases
Humans relationships with animals and our manipulation of nature puts us at risk of yet more devastating pandemic events.
5min read
Pledges R Us
The relentless march of companies and countries making sustainability commitments continues
3min read
Shuffling the Deck
Boris tweaks his team again. Shuffling the deck or rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic? Only time will tell.
3min read
Summer is coming
The 2019/20 Australian bush fire season was long anticipated to be a severe one
2min read